A Female’s Guide To Get Away With Cheating
It is all too common that a marriage or any other type of long-term relationship falls into a sexual slump after a couple of years have gone...
An Oasis Of Sexual Freedom – The Adult Dating Site
To screw or not to screw, that is the question that people all over South Africa is collectively answering with one voice: to screw! Of course. But...
How To Find A Jo’burg Friend With Benefits
Can a friend for life be mutually working as a friend with benefits forever? No, probably not, there are too many complications, there are too many strings,...
How To Turn That Friend For Life Into A Friend With Benefits Forever
If you have grown up with someone or just known someone for a really long time, you sometimes go a bit blind about their physical attractiveness. But...
Pick-Up Strategies – How To Catch Yourself A Hot South African Woman
There are many ways to go about this exciting task. And that is maybe where you should start. Do not see it as a hassle, do not...
The Hunt For Passion – Reignite Your Relationship
Some people describe a long-term relationship like sinking into a hot bath; it can almost burn you with the intensity of its heat to begin with, but...