An Oasis Of Sexual Freedom – The Adult Dating Site

To screw or not to screw, that is the question that people all over South Africa is collectively answering with one voice: to screw! Of course. But...

A Female’s Guide To Get Away With Cheating

It is all too common that a marriage or any other type of long-term relationship falls into a sexual slump after a couple of years have gone...


Discover The Horny South Africa

We South Africans have never been known to be a particularly shy people. We have always celebrated and embraced matters of the flesh. We...

The Hunt For Passion – Reignite Your Relationship

Some people describe a long-term relationship like sinking into a hot bath; it can almost burn you with the intensity of its heat to...
Women Looking For Sex In Pretoria

Discover The Beauty Of The Pure Screw

We are a species that has made organization and control to celebrated virtues. We want everything in its due place and coming in the...

The Adult Dating Site Profile – The Secret To Success

If you have made it far enough to make up your mind about setting up a profile on our South African adult casual dating...

Cape Town – The Capital Of Steaming Threesomes

There is one thing that clearly distinguishes Cape Town from most other cities that prides themselves of their lustful nature, and that is the...
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